Banishing Bad Breath


Banishing Bad Breath

Nothing should stop you from showing off your beautiful smile. Bad breath, or halitosis, is very common and can be an embarrassing condition that may prevent you from living your life to the fullest. If you're concerned about bad breath, tell us at your next checkup. We can identify the cause and develop a treatment plan to help eliminate it.

What causes bad breath?
There are several factors that can lead to bad breath. In some cases, bad breath can be a symptom of a much larger underlying health issue.

  • What you eat affects the air you exhale. Certain foods, like garlic and onions, can contribute to breath odor. If you don't brush and floss daily, particles of food remain in the mouth and collect bacteria, which can cause bad breath.
  • One of the warning signs of periodontal (gum) disease is persistent bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth. With regular dental checkups we can detect and treat periodontal disease before it progresses.
  • Bad breath can also be caused by dry mouth (xerostomia), which occurs when the flow of saliva decreases. Saliva is necessary to cleanse the mouth and remove particles that may cause odor. Dry mouth may be caused by various medications, salivary gland problems, or continuous mouth breathing.
  • Tobacco products can cause bad breath, leave stains, reduce your ability to taste foods, and irritate gum tissues. Tobacco users are more likely to suffer from periodontal disease and are at greater risk for developing oral cancer.
  • Bad breath may be the sign of a medical condition, such as a local infection in the respiratory tract, chronic sinusitis, postnasal drip, chronic bronchitis, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, or liver and kidney disorders.

What can I do about bad breath?
Eliminating periodontal disease and maintaining good oral health is essential to reducing bad breath. Brush twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste and floss to remove food debris and plaque. Don't forget to brush your tongue, too! Most importantly, be sure to schedule regular dental visits for a professional cleaning and checkup.


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